Friday, January 4, 2013

A lot is Said than Done

"When all is said and done, more is said than done." -Lou Holtz

This happens to me a lot. I heard this quote from my anatomy and physiology teacher. I took that class to learn more about the body, that way I can get my proportions right. I will constantly say "I'll practice drawing hands, people, and buildings." I do in the end, but I will end up doing hands and objects instead. So this New Year I made I resolution to myself to do the things I tell myself I will do with my art, and so far I have. I drew a picture of my friend and when I'm done with it I will upload it.

I'm not applying for Calarts this year, I want to wait a year to do it. I've had help with improving, and it really helps to look at accepted portfolio's from Calarts, and unaccepted portfolios. After I looked at some at first I felt discouraged because I wanted to enter this year, but then I seeked to improve. I found help, and I was lucky to find help from someone going to Calarts. Who has helped me a lot on this journey. There's a website called animated buzz, where you can submit your art portfolios, and let people critique them. I just found it this year.

Remember to always be yourself in your art. Each day I am learning that I have different sides to me in mine. People call my art cute, but my art has a type of black humor, darkness, along with craziness. I should get working on finishing that picture, so this is good-bye for now.