Wednesday, November 30, 2016


I was finally able to update my header image. ~ It took me awhile to remember how to do it, but now it's done.
Unicorns are sooo cute and the header is like a battle between em with their horns ~ I'm going to try my absolute best to keep up with this blog from now on. Especially since it's finally updated to how I see fit. c: So many things I'm planning to do and I need this little guy here to help me out, until I feel confident enough to handle a website. >< A little Star doodle along with others to end this night post~

Monday, November 28, 2016

Sweet Dreams ~♡

Um...I wanted to make this comic for a friend. I don't really make comics...but this got me motivated to do so. I hope he feels better and got honey like I told him to >~> I don't exactly know why I always draw him with hair soo swirly, I tried a different style but I think this one has grown on me too much... /\ I felt giddy after making this xD
P.S. Wait 5 seconds for the animated panel~ Also the file was too big for me to animate the last panel with the whole comic .-. But if you stop on by enjoy~☆